Synesis Software STLSoft - ... Robust, Lightweight, Cross-platform, Template Software ...

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
auto_buffer_selectorA Type Generator that deduces the appropriate specialisation of stlsoft::auto_buffer
bundle_exceptionRoot class for all bundle exceptions
c_string_sinkSink for translating a statement into c_string instructions
char_buffer_sinkSink for translating a statement into char_buffer instructions
fastformat_exceptionRoot class for all FastFormat exception
fastformat_initialiserSchwarz Counter initialiser for the FastFormat library
ff_format_element_tFormat element
ff_illformed_handler_info_tStructure returned from fastformat_getProcessIllformedHandler(), fastformat_setProcessIllformedHandler(), fastformat_getThreadIllformedHandler(), and fastformat_setThreadIllformedHandler()
ff_mismatched_handler_info_tStructure returned from fastformat_getProcessMismatchedHandler(), fastformat_setProcessMismatchedHandler(), fastformat_getThreadMismatchedHandler(), and fastformat_setThreadMismatchedHandler()
ff_string_slice_tRead-only string slice
format_output_iteratorThis class template defines an output iterator that writes to a given sink using fastformat::fmt()
format_parsing_exceptionRoot class for all format parsing exceptions
ignore_missing_arguments_scopeScoping class that suppresses the reporting of unreferenced arguments during its lifetime
ignore_unreferenced_arguments_scopeScoping class that suppresses the reporting of unreferenced arguments during its lifetime
illformed_format_exceptionException class that represents an illformed format string
mismatched_arguments_scope_baseBase class for scoping classes that customise the behaviour in response to mismatched arguments
mismatched_replacements_exceptionRoot class for all parameter replacement exceptions
missing_argument_exceptionException class that represents the case where one or more replacement parameters are specified in the format string but no matching arguments are presented in the argument list
null_sinkA class that acts as a bit-bucket sink
openrj_bundleA resource bundle that reads Open-RJ Jar files
OutputDebugString_sinkSink for sending a statement to Windows' OutputDebugString()
properties_bundleA resource bundle that reads properties files
shim_string_sinkThis class acts as a sink for string shims, to be used with STLSoft 1.9
speech_sinkSink for translating a statement into speech
string_array_sinkSink for translating a statement into an entry in an array of strings
unreferenced_argument_exceptionException class that represents the case where one or more arguments in the argument list are unreferenced in the format
vectored_file_sinkSink for translating a statement into iovec instructions
windows_resource_bundleA resource bundle that reads Windows INI files
windows_resource_bundle::missing_resource_id_exceptionThe exception type
WindowsMessageBox_sinkSink for sending a statement to Windows' MessageBox()
winini_bundleA resource bundle that reads Windows INI files

FastFormat Library documentation © Matthew Wilson, 2006-2009 Logo