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File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
fastformat/exceptions.hpp [code][C++ only] FastFormat API exception classes
fastformat/fastformat.h [code][C, C++] Primary include file for the The FastFormat Core Library
fastformat/fastformat.hpp [code][C++ only] FastFormat C++ primary include
fastformat/ff.hpp [code][C++ only] Equivalent to the FastFormat C++ primary include fastformat/fastformat.hpp, but aliases the fastformat namespace to ff
fastformat/implicit_link.h [code]Implicit linking for the FastFormat API
fastformat/init_codes.h [code][C, C++] Initialisation codes
fastformat/bundles/openrj_bundle.hpp [code][C++ only] Open-RJ bundle
fastformat/bundles/properties_bundle.hpp [code][C++ only] .properties file bundle
fastformat/bundles/windows_resource_bundle.hpp [code][C++ only] Windows resource bundle
fastformat/bundles/winini_bundle.hpp [code][C++ only] Windows INI file bundle
fastformat/format/standard_flags.hpp [code][C++ only] FastFormat standard format flags
fastformat/format/specification_defect_handling/ignore_missing_arguments_scope.hpp [code][C++ only] A scoping class that suppresses the reporting of unreferenced arguments
fastformat/format/specification_defect_handling/ignore_unreferenced_arguments_scope.hpp [code][C++ only] A scoping class that suppresses the reporting of unreferenced arguments
fastformat/format/specification_defect_handling/mismatched_arguments_scope_base.hpp [code][C++ only] Base class for scoping classes that customise the behaviour in response to mismatched arguments
fastformat/inserters/integer.hpp [code][C++-only] Inserter functions for floating-point types
fastformat/inserters/real.hpp [code][C++-only] Inserter functions for floating-point types
fastformat/inserters/to_e.hpp [code][C++-only] Inserter functions for floating-point types
fastformat/inserters/to_f.hpp [code][C++-only] Inserter functions for floating-point types
fastformat/inserters/to_g.hpp [code][C++-only] Inserter functions for floating-point types
fastformat/inserters/to_i.hpp [code][C++-only] Inserter functions for floating-point types
fastformat/internal/format_element.h [code][INTERNAL: C, C++] Definition of the format element type and associated constants
fastformat/internal/initialiser.hpp [code][C, C++] INTERNAL FILE: Do not include directly
fastformat/internal/shim_macros.h [code][C, C++] Definitions of macros used internally in the library components
fastformat/internal/stlsoft.h [code][C, C++] "Entry point" include into the STLSoft libraries
fastformat/internal/string_encoding.h [code][C, C++] Utilities to assist with implementation as multibyte or wide string
fastformat/internal/threading.h [code][C, C++] Detects whether the library is being built single- or multi-threaded
fastformat/iterators/format_iterator.hpp [code][C++ only] Definition of the fastformat::format_iterator output iterator
fastformat/shims/action/fmt_slices/generic_string.hpp [code][C++ only] FastFormat formatting action shim for generic string types
fastformat/shims/conversion/filter_type/bool.hpp [code][C++ only] FastFormat argument conversion shim for bool type
fastformat/shims/conversion/filter_type/fast_integers.hpp [code][C++ only] FastFormat argument conversion shim for fast, non-L10N, conversion of integral types
fastformat/shims/conversion/filter_type/reals.hpp [code][C++ only] FastFormat argument conversion shim for floating-point types
fastformat/shims/conversion/filter_type/void_pointers.hpp [code][C++ only] FastFormat argument conversion shim for floating-point types
fastformat/sinks/ACE_CString.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink adaptor for ACE's ACE_CString
fastformat/sinks/auto_buffer.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for STLSoft's auto_buffer class template
fastformat/sinks/c_string.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for fixed length character buffers to be filled as C-style strings
fastformat/sinks/CComBSTR.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink adaptor for ATL's CComBSTR
fastformat/sinks/char_buffer.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for fixed length character buffers
fastformat/sinks/CString.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink adaptor for MFC's CString
fastformat/sinks/FILE.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for FILE*
fastformat/sinks/null.hpp [code][C++ only] A class that acts as a bit-bucket sink
fastformat/sinks/ostream.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for IOStreams' std::ostream
fastformat/sinks/OutputDebugString.hpp [code]
fastformat/sinks/shim_string.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for STLSoft's shim_string class template
fastformat/sinks/speech.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for the Windows Speech API
fastformat/sinks/string_array.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for string sequences
fastformat/sinks/stringstream.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for IOStreams' std::stringstream
fastformat/sinks/vectored_file.hpp [code][C++ only] A FastFormat sink for the UNIX writev() vector I/O function
fastformat/sinks/WindowsMessageBox.hpp [code]
fastformat/test/util/compiler_warnings_suppression.first_include.h [code][C, C++] #include file to go at the start of a test file's #include list
fastformat/test/util/compiler_warnings_suppression.last_include.h [code][C, C++] #include file to go at the end of a test file's #include list
fastformat/util/bundle/windows_replacement_translation_functions.hpp [code][C++ only] Functions to assist with translation between Windows and FastFormat replacement parameters
fastformat/util/memory/auto_buffer_selector.hpp [code][C++ only] A Type Generator for defining stlsoft::auto_buffer specialisations
fastformat/util/sinks/helpers.hpp [code][C++ only] Sink implementation helper functions for the FastFormat library

FastFormat Library documentation © Matthew Wilson, 2006-2009 Logo