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Format API Interface Functions
[Interface Functions]

Detailed Description

The Format API consists of two suites of N-ary Generated Function Templates whose names are fmt() and fmtln().

By default the suites each contain 32 overloads, of between 1 and 32 arguments, of the form:

fastformat::<func>(<sink>, <format>, <args>)


as in the examples:

  std::string   sink;
  char const*   arg0   = "abc";
  char          arg1[] = "def";
  std::string   arg2   = "ghi";

  // Write the three arguments to the string sink
  fastformat::fmt(sink, "{0} {1} {2}", arg0, arg1, arg2);

  // Write the three arguments in reverse order to stdout and
  // append a new line
  fastformat::fmtln(std::cout, "{2} {1} {0}", arg0, arg1, arg2);


class  mismatched_replacements_exception
 Root class for all parameter replacement exceptions. More...
class  missing_argument_exception
 Exception class that represents the case where one or more replacement parameters are specified in the format string but no matching arguments are presented in the argument list. More...
class  unreferenced_argument_exception
 Exception class that represents the case where one or more arguments in the argument list are unreferenced in the format. More...
class  bundle_exception
 Root class for all bundle exceptions. More...

FastFormat Library documentation © Matthew Wilson, 2006-2009 Logo