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Write API Interface Functions
[Interface Functions]

By default the suites each contain 32 overloads, of between 1 and 32 arguments, of the form:

fastformat::<func>(<sink>, <args>)


as in the examples:

  std::string   sink;
  char const*   arg0   = "abc";
  char          arg1[] = "def";
  std::string   arg2   = "ghi";

  // Write the three arguments to the string sink
  fastformat::write(sink, arg0, " ", arg1, " ", arg2);

  // Write the three arguments in reverse order to stdout and
  // append a new line
  fastformat::writeln(std::cout, " ", arg2, " ", arg1, " ", arg0);

FastFormat Library documentation © Matthew Wilson, 2006-2009 Logo